
 Kathy and I personally invite you to partner with our vision and ministry.

Why Partner?


   Your involvement helps us have the finances to take the Gospel into all parts of Central New York, this state, nation and worldwide. God needs All of Us Together to Reach the People.


   “We are standing in faith with you” is what Partnership is. It is about praying for each other, joining resources, standing together in covenant and bring Gods Kingdom to earth!


   Your partnership with Cornerstone Community Church is much more than just financial support of this ministry. It is a covenant between us in faith, and being a part of something bigger than we are individually. A partnership allows us to reach far beyond our personal sphere of influence, so that we are affecting people here locally, in our county, state and all over the world. Your financial support impacts countless lives around the world through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SoundCloud. When we stand in partnership, suddenly, our ministry does not stop at our family, friends and neighborhood – It has expanded to the village, town, county, state, and the entire world. Every life that has been touched by this ministry is a life we reach together!


We are Committed to Helping People Change Their Lives


   We will teach you how to apply the Word of God to your own life without compromise– so that you can experience your own victory over fear, debt, sickness, lack and to walk in the full anointing of Holy Spirit. This biblical approach will change your life forever. There is no doubt; we have a big job to do. Our God-given mission is to teach the uncompromising Word of God to this village, town, county, state, and the world. With the help of our Partners, that is what we are able to do.


What Makes You A CCC Partner?


   Partners are individuals, families, businesses and churches who faithfully and periodically give some level of financial support, in addition to prayer, into Cornerstone Community Churchp. Your Partner gift enables CCC to carry out its local, county, state, country, and world vision. Together, through your Partnership, you share in the rewards for every soul won, every person healed, and every life changed.


   "For as his share is who goes down to the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage; they shall share alike." – I Samuel 30:24 (NAS)


We Promise


1. Prayer is one of the most important aspects of Partnership.


   We respond to anyone's request for prayer, however beyond those prayers, we faithfully pray specifically for our Partners prosperity, health and victory.  Kathy and I are committed to our Partners. 


2. It is not just about money.

   Partnership; is about you faithfully sowing finances and prayer into the vision and mission of CCC. Both are necessary to advance the Kingdom of God. It takes everyone doing his or her part – as the Lord directs. Through your Partnership, you share in the reward of every soul won and every life changed.


   “Not that I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account" – Philippians 4:17


  3. We are good stewards of every gift, and we resow each gift.

   As gifts come in, we receive them, bless them and put them to work, funding CCC ministry activities. Additionally, we sow 10 percent of every gift received into other ministries, meaning your seed goes further and reaches more people.


4.  You will never run out of Word-based teaching.

   Thanks to our Partners, we have over 1 year of teachings available for you now – through our website and as we grow, we will be adding a monthly newsletter along with other resources. You will always find a Word in due season for you.


5.   Your information will Never be shared.

   We value your trust and want you to understand that the information we collect from you, will always be protected. Cornerstone Community Church will not share, rent or sell any of your information.



   "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38


   And just as Paul said to his partners, I will declare to you, But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)



   Remember your generosity to the ministry is helping people to encounter and be impacted by the love of God.


Thank you for believing in the vision God has given us and your generous giving.


Jesus loves you and we love,


Senior Leaders Bob and Kathy Kotlarz

Partner With Us Now

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