New Here

I’m new here…

    We hope you know that we don’t believe you found your way to our website by accident, but because someone around you really does care for you! Maybe a friend, co-workers, employee, boss or even a stranger. No matter who, all of them have one thing in common – they, along with us, wanted you to know today that God loves you. No, doesn’t just like you…but He is “in love” with you! And He wants the best for your life.

    Life can be full of twists and turns, ups and down, exciting moments and desperate interventions, but when all your energy has been spent and you need someone to turn to, or somewhere to turn, we want you to know that Jesus Christ really does care for you. And we too would love the opportunity to show you that we care also.

    Please take time to browse our website, and learn more about us. If you need prayer, or would like someone to give you a call, please feel free to contact us via the links on this website.

We believe that you are important! So today, our prayer is that God’s love will consume your heart and serve as a reminder that God’s thoughts are with you and for you.

    Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”


What can I expect if I attend?

    Our Sunday morning services are intense, and marked by high energy and excitement. We arrive expecting an encounter with God

As we gather together, we want to create an atmosphere for the presence of God to be experience. That atmosphere is created through our expectation and anticipation in praise and worship, prayer, tithes and offerings, and the teaching of the uncompromised Word of God. As a result of our faith being release God shows up to touch His people with His love, healing, and hope.


What is the service order?

    A typical Sunday service will begin with about 25 - 35 minutes of uplifting music, communion and then a 30 - 60 minute teaching by the pastor, followed by an invitation for those interested to receive prayer. One of our values is also that of celebrating communion in every service. This is called “The Lord’s Table,” or “The Eucharist.”

Who will I meet?

    In short, people just like you. CCC is made up of a variety of folks, ranging from those who have never been in church, to those who were born and raised in denominational churches. What we all share in common is our humanness, and our desire to know, experience and understand God, and what he may have to say about our lives.

Do I have to speak or stand up in front of the people?

    We know that some churches have newcomers stand, introduce themselves, and then everyone claps for them to welcome them. Though this is a good idea, we know that for many, that is very intimidating and stressful. So, no, we won’t have you stand up or say anything in front of the crowd.

Do you want my money?

    Although we believe strongly in the area of tithing and giving, we never make people feel they are required or it is expected. Giving is up to you. So you can relax, nobody is watching to see what you do. 

Do I have to dress up?

    Clothes are required! No, you don’t have to dress up. Our fellowship is informal. You may see people in suits and ties, as well as shorts, or jeans. You can dress up if you want and we know that some would consider it disrespectful to not dress up for services. So what are we saying? We welcome all practical and modest styles of clothing.

Do I have to turn my kids over to a stranger?

    No! We believe that the best way to teach children about the ways of God is by example. Let me explain; when your children see their mother and father worshiping the Lord, participating in communion, giving their tithes, offerings, taking notes of the teaching, and following along in the bible. They learn firsthand what it takes to grow spiritually in Jesus Christ.



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